Casting #: FYF94
FYF94 is 248/250 in the mainline set, 9/10 in the HW Art Cars series, and a 2019 Treasure Hunt. It is light blue with blue, orange, and red graphics. White stripes decorate the car and form an “R” on the roof. The low production symbol is on the sides and the Hot Wheels logo is on the roof. It has clear windows, a black interior, AeroDisc wheels, and a Malaysia base. This vehicle can be found in mix “Q” of 2019 Hot Wheels mainline cases. The '67 Camaro made its debut in the 1983 The Hot Ones series. It is based upon the iconic car that went on sale on September 29, 1966, for the 1967 model year. It has previously been a Treasure Hunt in 1995, 2005, 2013, and 2017.
Picture and description thanx to hwtreasure.com