Casting #: GHD76
GHD76 is 240/250 in the mainline set, 10/10 in the HW Rescue series, and a 2020 Treasure Hunt. It is bright green detailed with checkered patterns and white, red, and black graphics. “Rescue” is on the hood and “Trackside Emergency Response” is on the doors. “Safety Team”, the Hot Wheels logo, and “HW Raceway” decorate the sides. The low production symbol can be found on the hood and the sides. The truck has tinted windows, a chrome interior, PR5 wheels with black rims and yellow trim, and a black plastic Malaysia base. This vehicle can be found in mix “P” of 2020 Hot Wheels mainline cases. The Chevy Silverado made its debut in the 2007 New Models series and originally had a removable sports bike in the bed. The truck is based upon the second generation Silverado that was available for the 2007 through 2014 model years.
Picture and description thanx to hwtreasure.com