Casting #: GHD79
GHD79 is 205/250 in the mainline set, 10/10 in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 series, and a 2020 Treasure Hunt. It is magenta decorated with pink stripe graphics. Details include “Tokyo 2020” on the sides and hood, the Olympic symbol on the hood, and the Hot Wheels logo, “Beach Volleyball”, and a volleyball athlete graphic on the sides. The dune buggy has tinted windows, a black interior, Off-Road 6-Spoke wheels, and a white plastic Malaysia base. This vehicle can be found in mix “L” of 2020 Hot Wheels mainline cases. The Dune Daddy made its debut in the 2018 HW 50th Race Team series. It is an original design of an off-road vehicle that features three lights mounted on a utility bar and a wheel carrier on the roof.
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