Casting #: GTC94
GTC94 is 156/250 in the mainline set, 10/10 in the HW Race Day series, and a 2021 Treasure Hunt. It is grey decorated with pale blue, light grey, and orange graphics. A large Hot Wheels logo decorates the sides and the hood. A variety of logos are also on the hood and the rear wing. The low production symbol can be found on the roof and the sides. The funny car has blue tinted windows, a chrome interior, 5-spoke wheels with gold chrome rims, and a black plastic Malaysia base. This vehicle can be found in mix “H” of 2021 Hot Wheels mainline cases. The Mustang Funny Car made its debut in the 2004 First Editions series. The Dodge Challenger in 2008 and the '71 Mustang in 2011 were previous funny car T-Hunts.
Picture and description thanx to hwtreasure.com